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What We Do

We love variety.

Antioxidant-Rich Loose-Leaf Teas

We sell a huge range of alternatives to matcha tea: rooibos, yerba mate, tulsi, moringa, chamomile, green tea, purple tea and honeybush - all with fantastic levels of antioxidants, delicious and don't require cream or sugar to taste good. Explore our entire collection in our shop at Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to our MA Tea Blog for interesting tea tips too, it would make our day!

So...why not matcha? Click to Learn More

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  • Matcha Alternative's Facebook Page
  • Matcha Alternative's Instagram Page

This is a project to share Vientiene's travel photography on Instagram, Facebook and 500px. You can follow @Radiant_Travel or check out 500px here!

  • Radiant Travel's Facebook Page
  • Radiant Travel's Instagram Page
Marketing & tech for growing businesses

We are location-independent business development professionals, marketing consultants, and web and graphic designers - this combination gives us a special perspective that allows us to consider all connected parts of your business. Our broad services areas include Marketing & Branding, Business Development & Tech, Blockchain & Crypto and Content Creation.

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RB Logo White Trans- 1000px.png

Ta'eed Property

Property refurbishment & rental in London, UK

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This blog:



~ is our SME

business development company.

"Marketing and tech for growing businesses" is our online teashop for carbon positive, antioxidant-rich looseleaf teas

Radiant Travel is our dedicated street and animal photography feed

  • TravellingforTea Instagram

< Follow @TravellingforTea

  • Instagram

< Follow @MatchaAlternatives for out tea shop

  • TravellingforTea Instagram

< Follow @Radiant_Travel for our photography

© 2023 TA'EED.

All photographs on this website are

copyright Vientiene Ta'eed or Elizabeth Ta'eed.

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